WARNING: Knowing Your Natal Chart Will Change Your Life! 
turn all of you into
I want to PERSONALLY work with you 
One-On-One to Teach You How To Leverage Astrology to Align with your Life's Purpose & Live Your Destiny In the Next 3 Months!
This is possible when you know HOW to read YOUR very own Natal Chart!
Unlimited Lifetime Access to our online learning platform so you go at your own pace!
Six Key Topics that include both videos and PDF handouts:

True Meaning of Signs 
Planets & How they work
Houses that Make Up your Natal Chart
Aspects & Geometry of the Planets 
How to read YOUR own Natal Chart

$500 VALUE

Receive a full year of Astro Alerts for FREE ($120 VALUE)
*Daily astro insights to assist you in understanding your own Natal Chart!

Access to my PRIVATE FB Group where I answer your specific questions on video ($200 VALUE)
*Ask your questions and I will respond to your personally in a private setting! 

AND unlimited private lessons at 50% off ($100 VALUE)
*If you want extra help understanding your chart you have a lifetime deal!


Meet Michael,
Your Ambassador to Conscious Embodiment
You probably already know about things like Full Moons, New Moons, and Mercury Retrograde. But now imagine that you actually understand what area of your life is being impacted by these astrological events.

I want you to know exactly where Libra falls in your natal chart when the Full Moon is in Libra.

I want you to be able to take your consciousness in a giant leap forward, because you can now use the cycle more directly for your personal benefit when Mercury is retrograde in Pisces.

Wow! You are absolutely killing it through your words, cutting through the debris and speaking sheer eloquence into life. Thinking of you with much love and a smile. Appreciating you helping through a hard time right now.

- Allyson

This man knows his stuff! The 
amount of interactions going on 
in my chart kind of scared me but he really did a wonderful job explaining all the positives and challenges associated with my birth chart. 
Thank you Michael!

- Karin

This course was absolutely terrific! I had no reality on how much was involved with my natal chart or even how to read it. He is good and communicating the information and there is a lot. Looking forward to an Astrology 102 course!

- Nick

I Am the Teacher for YOU!
From Your Ambassador to Embodiment Dr Michael Lennox
Los Angeles, CA
I feel SO STRONGLY about this that I have put together a course called ASTROLOGY 101 to get you kick started on your understanding of your natal chart – the map of where the planets were when you were born – contains the blueprint of all of this; from your personal experience of identity, the hidden expression of your dharma, and the mysterious way you interact with your environment that is unique to you.

"But astrology is too hard. It's too complex."

Yes, understanding astrology can be dense and difficult. And when someone says to me, "Wow, Michael, you explain this in a way that I can actually understand it," I am just over the Moon. If you thought astrology was too complicated for you to really get it, look no further, because...I was BORN to teach astrology.  I would love for you to join me on the journey!

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...
See What Others Say About Dr Michael Lennox!
"Dr. Michael’s astrology course is incredibly user friendly, while also inspiring a relationship between the symbols and myself. He has a way of bringing the planets, houses and signs to life. This course helps me understand to and grasp what all those readings I’ve had have been helping me to understand about myself. Taking this course helped understand astrology and myself. The best thing about Astrology 101 is Michael has assisted so I’m no longer completely on the dark about what’s happening within me. And for this, I am deeply grateful." —Monique
Michael's work, as if directly responding to my fear, has been totally disarming. In his course, Astrology 101, Michael teaches complex astrological ideas with alarming clarity. The work is easy to follow and has slowly and steadily stripped away my overwhelm at finally learning to navigate my own star chart. It's simple and it's so freakin' fun! 
Michael is my go to Astrologer ! Working with him 1:1 while taking his course has been just the thing I have been seeking to be able to actual apply my understanding of astrology to my own personal chart. I have attempted to be a "student" of astrology for the past 25 years since I became a mama in order to better understand the intricasies of my relationships with my 5 daughters. What I love most about Michael's style is that it allows me to apply on a daily basis what I do know - without having to know everything. The extra bonus is that it is something I have involved my entire family in - and they are learning too!
~ Imani
Thank you for explaining the Retrograde so beautifully. (I am so mathematically challenged and you paint such a clear picture with words). Honestly, I don’t know how you write every day, clarifying the heavens for us! You are literally our Guide to the Stars, walking up ahead, saying, “Look at this! Isn’t THAT beautiful? Watch out for that hole over there… Don’t walk too close to the edge.” I am so grateful for your gift and your recognition of it, which benefits us all. It’s as if you were explaining this complex ballet of feelings to us. Thank you Michael. 
~ Christopher
I know you probably know, but I speak for so many people who perhaps don’t write in to tell you, and yet are benefitting and are grateful. ”Oh, yeah, Michael said it would be this way. I can relax, it will pass but what did he say the opportunity was?” That’s my FAVORITE! The opportunity that comes with any particular transit, especially the difficult ones but when they come you think, “Are you kidding me? This sucks!” It goes down so much more easily when there is some use to be had/made from it. That is the one thing I would look for in astrology books, with the explanation of the transits. Oddly, or surprisingly, few writers will elucidate. 
~ Andrea
Dr. Michael Lennox has partnered with Ascension Academy to deliver Astrology 101 course to you which includes lifetime access to all course content including videos and handouts. After your purchase, you will receive a link to join the Facebook group and will receive a text AND email prompting you to create your password to access the course. You'll be automatically registered for discount sessions available at https://michaellennox.com/sessions/ and will begin to receive your FREE Astro Alerts.
If you do not receive this text or email, please contact [email protected].
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